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Monday, July 4, 2011

Traffic High on Thruway 190 S Near Buffalo

Traffic Safety and International Bridges

No Delays beig reported at the international bridges.Traffic that may have been involved in Tonawanda, Ny fireworks slowly filtering out of the area, use great caution as many are walking through the neighborhoods and not everyone is wearing light colored clothing. Children are present as are women pushing baby strollers. It would be wise not to assume clearance for one person is all that is necessary.

LIVE STREAM of Fireworks and Music in Washington, DC

Click Here for Live Stream

First Lady Michelle Obama on Our Troops and

(Editor's Note: An Offical Email from The First Lady )The White House, Washington
Good morning,

This Independence Day, I hope you’ll join me and my family in recognizing both our brave men and women in uniform and their families for everything they do to protect our country and our way of life.

We know that when our troops are called to serve, their families serve right along with them. For military kids, that means stepping up to help with the housework and putting on a brave face through all those missed holidays, bedtimes and ballet recitals. For military spouses, it means pulling double-duty, doing the work of both parents, often while juggling a full-time job or trying to get an education.

That’s why, a few months ago, Dr. Jill Biden and I started Joining Forces, a nationwide campaign to recognize, honor, and serve our military families. Our troops give so much to this country and they ask us for just one thing in return: to take care of their families while they’re gone. So we’ve put out a call to action. We’re urging all Americans to ask themselves one question: What can I do to give back to these families that have given so much?

To answer that question you can go to and learn more about how you can get involved. And you can get started right now through Operation Honor Card by pledging to spend a certain number of hours serving military families in your community.
Our motto for Joining Forces is very simple: Everyone can do something. We've met folks in every corner of the country who are stepping up and helping out in their own small ways in their neighborhoods and in their communities. They’re popping over to rake the leaves, or bringing a family a home-cooked meal, or offering to babysit. And I know that if we each do whatever we can, if we all join forces, we can show military families across this country that we have them in our hearts, we have them in our prayers, and we always have their backs.

Happy Independence Day!


First Lady Michelle Obama

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