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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Distance Driving Construction Summary

Bridge construction on I-190 in both directions from Exit 21A - LaSalle Expressway to US 62; Niagara Falls Boulevard -- consider alternate route until 5:00 PM, 11/30/10. Comment: I-190 bridge replacement over the LaSalle Expressway.

Bridge construction on NY 33 in both directions from Exit - Humboldt Parkway to Exit - NY 198; Scajaquada Expressway until 5:30 PM, 07/30/10

Construction work, single line traffic alternating directions on NY 354 in both directions from Union Road; NY 277 to Borden Road. starting 7:05 AM, 04/19/10 until further notice. Comment: Drainage and sidewalk construction.

Long term road construction on NY 238 at Market Street; NY 98. starting 7:00 AM, 04/19/10 until further notice. Comment: Longterm Construction to begin in the Village of Attica. Expect delays as alternating one way traffic laneclosures will be used to perform construction work. Information will be updated as contractors schedule is developed. Work also continues on Village of Attica water line replacement under highway work permit..

Long term road construction on NY 15A in both directions from I-390 to Town of Brighton and Town of Henrietta Line until 5:00 PM, 11/24/10. Comment: See description of work for Route 252 Jefferson Road.  
Long term road construction on NY 15A in both directions from I-390 to Town of Brighton and Town of Henrietta Line until 5:00 PM, 11/24/10.

Bridge construction on I-86 in both directions at Exit 43 - NY 415; Ramp until 5:00 PM, 11/30/10.
Comment: Replacement of Bridge #1011219, I-86 over SR415, Town of Erwin. Beginning March 25, 2010, I 86 EB and WB traffic will be restricted to a single lane in each direction while the bridge is reconstructed in stages. Detours will be at Exit 43 nightly between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. NB Route 415 traffic will be detoured to I 86 WB Exit 42. SB Route 415 traffic will be detoured to I 86 EB Exit 44.

Road construction on NY 17 in both directions from City of Elmira; Town of Elmira Line to Town of Chemung; Town of Ashland Line; Ramp until 5:00 PM, 11/30/12.  Rte 17 reconstruction in the Towns of Elmira, Ashland and Chemung and City of Elmira in Chemung County.Rte 17 alternating lane closures eastbound and westbound between exit 58 and the Chemung River Bridge two miles east of Exit 58. The eastbound lane permanently closed from exit 56 to exit 58 6/21/10, it will remain in place until November 2010.Two lane, two way traffic maintained in the westbound lane.
Bridge construction on I-81 at Butternut Street until 4:00 PM, 08/25/10. Comment: Butternut Street bridge closure 24/7.

Long term road construction on NY 12 in both directions from Upper Front Street; US 11; Castle Creek Road; START ROUTE NY 12 to Town of Barker; Town of Chenango Line until 5:00 PM, 07/12/10

Major road construction, single line traffic alternating directions on NY 28 in both directions from NY 357 to Town of Meredith; Town of Franklin Line until 4:00 PM, 09/15/10

Single line traffic alternating directions, road construction, width limit on NY 23 in both directions from NY 30 Grand Gorge to Town of Roxbury; Town of Prattsville Line until 6:00 PM, 10/31/10

Bridge construction, single line traffic alternating directions on NY 418 in both directions at Water Street; CR 45; Elm Street; CR 9 starting 7:00 AM, 06/08/10 until further notice. Comment: Rte 418 is reduced to one lane alternating traffic at Milton St in Warrensburg. There is a temporary traffic signal controlling traffic for long term bridge work.

Source: NYSDOT

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