The content of this blog / Website / Service is changing from "General Public" to "Adult" the reasona are many and center around the facts that follow.
In addition to Weather, Traffic and General Event and local NEWS, this blog has been blessed to have the approval to receive information, releases, photos and emergency informaton from many Government Agencies; namely, FEMA, DHS, US Customs, and other agencies. Due to the nature of the campaigns and content of these campaigns, releases graphical images and supporting data, and materials. It is the managerial decision of this media outlet to activate the adult warning notice on ths settings. This is done not to censor, but to make the readers aware of the content that is contained herein can contain one or more of the following.
Public or declassified information about military, war, or violence.
Public or government campaigns in reference to drugs, human trafficing, or terrorism
Including the imagry that is included there in. (Example backcover of the recent Frontline DHS Magizine is not suitable for young people to see.
In addition, now that the programming threshold has changed, this company will change the content of this blog overall to include content that is not for all audiences. This is done to attract more attention to the blog, increasing the income potential and heep the project profitable and sustainable. Any and all objections will be considered on a case by case basis and will most likely use third party content not produced by this company including but not limited to.
Thirdparty content providers; third pary news sources and video sources. At no time will illegal content be used, nor will copyrights be intentionally be violated.
Thank you for your understanding in the matter.