Miami - On November 1, 2010, U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at Fort Lauderdale International Airport seized approximately 21.1 pounds of cocaine with a street value of $675,200.00 during the inspection of a passenger entering the United States from Bogota, Colombia. The subject was sent to secondary inspection after officers found inconsistencies in his story during his initial interview. While searching the subject’s luggage CBP Officers uncovered four bags of factory sealed candy manufactured abroad. After further probing of the candy officers discovered the treats were filled with cocaine. According to the Director of Field Operations, Sidney Aki, “this is another example of our constant effort towards keeping the public, specially our children, safe through the interception of such harmful contraband.”
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation's borders at and between the official ports of entry. CBP is charged with keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons out of the country while enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws.